School Animation Project: A cock hatched egg


Once upon a time, the king of the chicken kingdom found that the price of chicken was lower than that of any other kinds of meat in the world. So he just asked everyone in the kingdom for an idea to solve this problem. One minister came up an idea which is to forbid hens lying eggs. Not long time from the king gave the order, chickens turned rare and no one killed them for food. Chickens even became the most popular pets in the human society and priceless. All the people started to find egg and at the end they found only one egg left in the world. So the hen who laid the egg together with the last egg was put in a very luxury and safe house. As the time went, the population of chicken decreased enormously to the extinction. Before the king dead, he asked his son, the prince to find the last egg and its mother to continue the race of the chicken. After a long time the prince found the hen. But the luxury lifestyle made the hen featherless because she did not need to keep warm. She even needed to paste the beautiful feather on her face in a beauty parlor. So she could not hatch the egg. So the only choice the prince could make was to hatch the egg himself to save the chicken race.
Research Point:

I used the maya cartoon render to make some parts of the animation, as I use some camera utilities to control the outline of the character which could make the 3D parts had the same visual style as the 2D part. Then I found the cartoon render had wide application in PPT, flash, web design and even some ads crafts look and so on. The Bezier curve helped me with building  the model of the clothes.

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