Ferrari GT III World Track

About to shipping in May.
Image could not be released online for confidential reason. 
Postion: Game designer

·      Auction system design:  New profit methods enhance gameplay
·      Game document writing: Game Pitch/Art Production Document/UI Process Document
·      Level Design: racing map planning
·      Communicate with programmer to improve game engine and program-generated FX.
·      Art recourses production schedule and quality assurance  

Game Design Document of Rescue Tom

Once upon a time, there was a candy factory, which remodeled from a gothic castle by a queen like witch. She punished one of her cleaning robot— Tom for breaking a vase, by spelling him. The spell kept winding him. In such a dangerous castle like factory, full of machines and trick, let’s Rescue Tom by playing this 2D platform game, to help him out as far as you can!
Character bios
Tom is a cleaning winding robot, who works for the candy factory. He has enough tools to help him survive from the factory.
Queen like witch is not that important as she only appear in game title animation.
Jack is a bad boy robot who works together with Tom. He always play trick with Tom. He is a machine repairman.
Rough plot               
Started by Tom being spelled. Then Tom starts his adventure in the castle. During the adventure, he may encounter with Jack and beat him. After he solved the puzzle in the castle, he triggered the switch of the gate and escape. Then he realized he need to remove the spell, so he came back to his old master…
Gameplay description
Core game play is using tool to help Tom avoid injury by the environment or Jack. The tool is listed below:
Magnet—jump higher if there is danger below
Umbrella— avoid injury from upper place
Plunger— if there is danger below but no metal above
Fun— help Tom move lower, but the recharge is slow. Could not always be used (Cancelled)
Fire extinguisher—fly higher or attack player could choose the direction, also, has limitation.
Sometimes player could have multi-solutions when dealing with one danger. So the second gameplay is to collect candy in the factory to earn higher score. Sometimes candy is hidden in secret place.
The third game play is puzzle solving by using the tool, but not sure about the time schedule, so this part could be discuss later.

Artistic style outline
2D style 3D production with strong hand drawing style

Systematic breakdown of components
Main menu UI>> start/ opinion/ quit/
In game UI>> score/ tool/ pause/ warning (like sign with”!”)/ U R badly hurt(dead)
Asset breakdown
  Art Assets: Three character/animation: Tom/witch/Jack/
                       Five buttons about the five tools
                       5 tools design
                       Animation when interact with tool and environment
                       Background 1/ background 2 (each level has two background, which means number of level*2 background need to be produced)
                       Environment objects and their animation
                       Title animation
                       Main menu UI/ in-game UI
  Text: five tutorial of five different tools/ dialogue between Tom and Jack/ dialogue between witch and Tom
  Sound Assets: sound FX of five different tools, UI/HUD feedback sound/music in different level/ sound effect in different level/ voice of Jack/ Jack come sound effect
  FX: collection candy/ interaction with environment/ tools/ Tom/ Jack
(each part may have more than one FX, will be listed in work sheet too)

Further description about character design/animation/sound/ will listed in working sheet and upload next week!

Suggested Game Flow Diagram
Start Animation (could skip)>> main menu >> start game>> level together with tutorial and tips>>End game (check the score)>>leave or restart
It is good if there is an option menu in the main menu, which allow users chose UI for left header or right header.
Suggested Project Timeline
Since we have maybe 8 weeks to build the prototype. So below is the suggested timeline:
Week 1 character design
Week 2 environment objects documentation writing and production
Week 3 environment objects production
Week 4 engine test with the produced object & level plan
Week 5 UI and particles production & level plan
Week 6 left element check and first level end
Week 7 level design & feedback
Week 8 final refine.
Additional Ideas and Possibilities
I want to check this kind of interaction fun enough to turn the game into an endless score-earning game.  It is great to build random level. But as lack of programmer, I think at the beginning, we should try if the mode is interesting by hand building some level. After the prototyping, we may find out further clue. 

Shanghai Fashion Week 2012

Spring 2012, Shanghai Fashion Week S/S 2012
website function plan, graphic design, interaction design.
The logo part is still under discussing with Fashion Week Committee.

Slinky--Game Design Proposal

I wrote this proposal before I came to Canada. After I volunteered for the Kinect Project in our university. I am now plan to transfer the Digital Slinky Game to a Kinnect controlled one, for slinky is supposed to be played by hand. I am keeping coming up idea about possible gameplay for slinky on Kinect.

2D Platform Game Design Test for GD Selection from Gameloft

Sample target hardware: Samsung S8000

Main character and abilities
Basic abilities are:
- Move to the right
- Move to the left
- Jump (Jump height = twice the character sprite height)
- Crouch
Main character description

The main character is called Tom Ryan Jr., who was the youngest son of old Tom Ryan, an owner of a famous huge winery. He is now a strong thief helping the poor. He has a strong mechanism left arm.
Game context

The brother of Tom took over the winery and wanted to turn it into a mechanism brewery. The big brother also turned the workers into machine by drugging them and locking iron arms and legs on them. When father and Tom went against that idea, the brother put the father into dark prison and turned Tom into mechanism-human. But after one arm was turned, Tom escaped. Several years later, he grows strong and goes back to the brewery to find his father. This story happened in 1900s, California.
2 special skills for the hero. Those skills should be available from the beginning of the game.Skill One: Common gun attack. Long distance but takes long time to beat the mechanism-human.
Skill Two: steal: take really short time to beat the mechanism-human but only works within short distance. (Steal the main mechanism item make the mechanism-human to disable the mechanism-human)

1 special skill that will be unlocked at a specific point in the level
Note: This skill will be used in the LD of Part three.
Special Skill: Electricity Attack. Generated by the mechanism left arm and can freeze the mechanism-human for a while and kill the common human immediately. This skill allow play use steal skill to mechanism-human in short distance because they could not disturb the player when they are freezed.

Entertainment culture / Competitors
visual references

“Steam boy”,“Zorro”
The direct competitors of this game?
Cell division
Tomb Raider: The Elixir of Life

Other competitors of this game in terms of gameplay
Metal Slug series
iPhone 3GS
- 1 virtual pad + 2 buttons.

1) Move to the right: right virtual pad
2) Move to the left: left virtual pad
3) Jump: up virtual pad
4) Crouch: down virtual pad
5) Special 1: A press or hold
6) Special 2: B press or hold
7) Special 3 (to be unlocked later): A+B

How will the lack of double input controls (i.e: two touch inputs cannot be processed at the same time) affect the design of your controls? What will you do to overcome this issue?
- Double input

Gameplay elements
Surface properties
Surface #1: empty surface
Properties:Player or NPCs may drop from it and dead. Sometimes it could be buried fragilely by barley.

Surface #2: Beer
Properties:Play and NPCs could swim in it but could not last for long time. It could extinguish the fire on player’s body caused by the fire bottle.

Surface #3: tons of barleyProperties:Enemies may hide in this and reduce player’s speed. Player could not kill enemies if they are hiding in barley. If player hide in the barley, then enemies could not find him, so player could use steal skill to kill the Mechanism-human fast.
Interactive elements
Interactive element #1: conveyer belt
Gameplay:Move horizontally or in other direction. Player uses his mechanism arm to interactive with conveyer belt to reach difficult places such as high place or cross the beer pond.

Interactive element #2: bottle packing machine
Gameplay:Move from the ground into the air, damage the player, player need to jump to get rid of it that increase the game difficultly.

Enemy #1: Mechanism-human
Behaviour:Throw fire beer bottle cause large and continuous damage, low speed
Enemy #2: Hooligan
Behaviour:Normal gun attack, may hide under the barley or throw the barley to protect themselves. Has higher AI than Mechanism-human quicker but low HP.

In-game reward structure:
HP in game could recover consistently and slowly. Drink wine could make the play in fever which means HP increase immediately to a high point but then reduce gradually to the point when player drink wine. That may help the player deal with hard meeting engagement.
Out-game reward structure (in-between levels):
Player could update his weapon or change different clothes by spending
the point gained in past level. Or update the beer so could gain more HP.

What kind of behaviour is encouraged by this reward structure?
Player may play multi-time to gain strong or interesting clothes.

Game audience
List the features that will make your game appealing for a casual audience (i.e. not hardcore gamers)Easy control, automatic save, automatic HP recover
Which additional features will you add to make it also appealing to a mass-market audience?
Moving story, between-level comics, fluid level-breaking experience, besides that the machine, revenge, west America are all popular element in mass market.
Could you imagine a concept targeted to the girl audience?
Maybe a pat system in platform game, use reward point to make up the pet and train the pet skills like attack or recover HP.

Create a level
Level design
Describe how and when is the third character skill is unlocked in this level.Tom meet an old man who locked in a small room, old man designed the entire machine system. He gives Tom an electricity generator which just suit to Tom’s left hand. This happens when about 2/3 part of the level.
What will you do to ensure players understand its use and master it immediately?Put a Mechanism-human beside and let player do some excise about the new skill.
click to enlarge

The Earth Project

Winter 2011, Toronto, ON, Canada
The Earth Project 
EARTH is an interactive sculpture, video and sound installation project carried out in Fall 2011 by Linh Do, Shuting Chang and Elizabeth Coleman. The main object in the installation is a sculpture of the earth, based on the concept of reversing the roles between mother earth and human - turning human into the mother of the earth, and let human see with their eyes and ears (from video display and sound), how their behavior can effect the earth.

System Design, Programming with Processing&Arduion,Sensor Setup, Exhibition Design


Winter 2011, Toronto, ON, Canada ComPATH (01:19)
Proposal video of an installation project aiming to improve Toronto Underground PATH navigation

System Design;Shooting; AE FX, MAYA 3D Simulation; Graphic Design

Dating Site:

Winter 2011, 
Website Graphic Design, UX design, interaction design, UI element Design
The social network moduel is still under construction. 

3D Animation: An Impossible Escape

A remake of a siggraph award animation.

I created the tortoise for a group animation project. I thought I wanna to use it again for a independent animation to practising  my animating ability, so I remake the "Impossible Escape" with the tortoise.

In this animation, I uesed the sine function and MEL script to control the light intensity.

Illustration and Sculpture: Escape From Judgment

May 2010, “Escape from Judgment,” Graduation project, story outlines and character design.

Position: writer/character designer.
The story is about what happened after the death of Romeo and Juliet. The story builds a virtual world which people would enter after the death. 
Made in Donghua University, Shanghai, China. The story is still under developing.

Kong Fu Hero

                                                                  QTE DEMO

November 2010, “Kong Fu Hero,” PC game.
Position: Illustrator/Concept designer/ Storyboard.
Kong Fu Hero is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game 2.0 in which players play Kong Fu musters travelling around the world.
Made in KONG.NET, Shanghai, China.

I designed User Interface, by which not only did I need to reach the style coherence between the UI and game, also learnt principles of game engine. Sometimes I needed to communicate with the programmer leader to improve the engine to support new designed visual effect.

Then, I began to design fashion clothes. I designed beautiful fashion clothes with FX but low model mesh quantities that won’t influence the frame-rate much. It was original that fashion in online game designed in this way. 

I suggested selling virtual camera to players in game, which helped them to record cooler videos from different aspect than. The cameras moved through calculated curves based on the movie-lens-language theory which enhance the visual amusement in game. I helped build the camera system by drawing storyboards and writing formulas. Under my suggestion, company also opens up spaces in popular websites for players to upload videos and leave comments.
As part of my suggestion, there are ranking lists of popular videos in these spaces to stimulate consumption and create potential profits. The space on website advertises the game to the potential users and allows players to interactive with others when they are not log-in game. An Online game is more than a game but a platform, just like a social network. And camera system connects different platforms such as websites or even cell phones. 

Players are allowed to exchange their goods not only in official store but also in personal Sale System Terminals. But players need to leave their terminals alone to continue their adventure, so the terminals should be self-help. The initial idea was cute pets, which could help the users. But our game describes a real world even the story is imagined. The talking pets with high IQ were not suitable. When it turned to the beautiful sales girls that were popular among the Chinese players, another problem appeared.  It cost too much system recourse to build a fabulous sales girl for every player. It would highly reduce the frame rate. At last I design the mechanical self-help cats. The cat is stand for good profit in Asia. And it cost very low meshed to build. And the mechanical thing is suitable for the times of our game.